Investment Management
Your savings and investments play a major role in your advanced planning process. Our role is to provide you sound, quality advice when it comes to how you invest and monitor the funds you have set aside to reach your financial goals.
Our Approach to Investment Management
Your savings and investments play a major role in the Advanced Wealth Planning process. Our role is to provide you sound, quality advice when it comes to how you invest and monitor the funds you have set aside to reach your financial goals.
Nearly all the investment accounts we manage for our clients are discretionary accounts. We manage the day-to-day activities including constructing, trading and re-balancing on your behalf while strictly following parameters based on your individual risk tolerance and long-term objectives identified during the planning process and formally outlined in your individualized “Investment Policy Statement.” A common theme found in all our portfolios however is broad diversification across the major sectors, asset classes, market capitalizations and geographic regions while employing a long-term investing approach. Special attention is paid to tax efficiency when managing your taxable accounts.
We haven’t cornered the market on investment research and knowledge. Our independence affords us access to many of the industry’s premier investment firms and their vast resources and market knowledge. Although most of our clients’ portfolios are constructed and managed in-house, we have direct access to portfolio management from many of these very same firms.
We take further advantage or our independence and non-proprietary platform to provide our clients with access to both conventional and non-conventional traded securities. While the majority of our portfolios are constructed using individual stocks, bonds, ETFs and mutual funds, we also may recommend in certain situations such securities as but not limited to Private Equity Funds, Non-Traded REITS, Structured Investments and Delaware Strategy Trust (DST.) These non-conventional or Alternative investments can be a powerful tool to help achieve greater portfolio diversification. However, because alternative investments tend to carry a high level of risk and low liquidity, they are not for everyone.
Independent and Non-Proprietary Platform.
““The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.””