Preparing For Your Insurance Physical


What to expect and do’s and don’ts in preparation.

Authored & Provided by:

Andrew H Leyens, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®

What to expect:

The paramedical examiner will spend approximately 10-25 minutes asking questions regarding your complete medical history and checking your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, height and weight.)  At this time, a urine sample and blood work will be required for most applications. 


For the best possible results and to save time, we suggest the following:


In Preparation:


·        Have the names, addresses and phone numbers of all doctors, hospitals or medical facilities visited during the past 5 years, as well as the dates (approx.) and


·        Have your driver’s license or government issued picture ID available.

·        Have available the names and dosages of any prescription and over-the-counter medications, including vitamins and supplements you may be taking currently.


Do’s and Don’ts prior to the physical:




·        Do not exercise just prior to the physical as it may cause abnormal urine results and/or elevated blood pressure.

·        Abstain from alcohol use at least 24 hours prior to the physical.

·        Avoid foods high in sugar, caffeine and fats.

·        Avoid if possible, taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol, Advil, etc. 24 hours prior to your scheduled physical.  If this is unavoidable, be sure to

inform the paramedic what you have recently taken.




·        Schedule the location of your physical in a calm environment.

·        If possible, fast the day of the exam if scheduled in the morning.  However, if that is not possible, fast at least two hours prior to the exam.  Water is OK.

·        Drink water prior to giving urine sample and do not provide first urine of the day.


For any questions or concerns regarding your physical, please do not hesitate to contact us.

InsuranceAndrew Leyens